Story People – Strange
April 22, 2023
Story People – Strange
22nd and 23rd April
Popular Peninsula event, STORY PEOPLE, invites up to 25 female identifying folk, of all ages and abilities, to a morning tea, from 10am -12pm on Saturday 22nd April.
Participants are invited to share their stories, whether tall or true, in response to the prompt ‘Strange’, in a safe and supported space.
Overnight, lead artists Carole Patullo and Jane Bayly will transcribe and edit a range of stories gathered at the morning tea into a script. The script will then be performed at a reading the following day, by an intergenerational cast of Dreamhouse Theatre Company members and friends.
Registration is essential.
This is an inclusive event, $10 tickets or pay what you can. First nations people and those experiencing disadvantage are welcome without charge.
Booking for performed reading Sunday 23rd April:
Tickets pay as you can click here or at the door
Email dhtheatreco@gmail.com for enquiries.